A new look for the website!

Regular visitors to Waiting For Friday will notice some big changes to the website.  Gone is the old Mediawiki based site and, instead, a shiny new WordPress site has taken its place.  In addition, the forums have now been replaced by a built-in commenting system that allows both the articles and the comments to be kept in the same place.

The original website

Back in the dark and distant past of 2009 (ish) I set up WFF as a simple Wiki so I could have a place on the web to scribble down the random ideas and projects I was working on.  Over the years the site has grown and now regularly handles 800K-1M unique hits a month.  Clearly this has meant that I’ve been spending more and more time maintaining the site (and therefore less and less on electronics).  To combat this, I’ve changed over to WordPress to lower the maintenance overhead.  In addition, the site can now have a fresh new look that takes care of more modern web technologies.

I hope you like the new site and you are welcome to leave a comment if you spot a mistake (all of the original Mediawiki articles have been painstakingly moved over, but it’s a mainly manual process so something may be wrong here and there) or if you have a suggestion for improvement.

The site has redirection in place to ensure that all of the original MediaWiki URLs still point to the correct web pages but, if you find a 404, please let me know!


4 Responsesso far.

  1. brewis says:

    I spotted the photo of Bug Hunter II while using your (very helpful!) guide to try to replace he battery on my A3000. I’ve been desperately trying to get hold of that game for ages – found one copy on eBay but the disk was blank. Is there any chance, if I (more than) covered your costs that you might be able to send me a copy, please? I’d be eternally grateful!


  2. brewis says:

    Thank you. I’ll have a look. Not sure if my skills are up to transferring it for use on the A3000 but I’ll have a go.

  3. Thank you for a great website and some great projects.
    I used your PIC184550 USB HI D project as a basis for my own projects.
    Done USB scope, USB LC meter and USB audio mixer.
    Regards Nigel

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